The concept of “Corporate Governance”, which came to the agenda for the first time in England with the Polypek scandal and then began to be discussed thoroughly with the Worldcom and Enron crises in the United States, the concept of “Corporate Governance” aims to restructure the management approach in a wide range from the public to non-governmental organizations, starting from the financial sector, and It refers to a long-term management.
Corporate governance, in the broadest sense, is the regulation of the management of any institution created by people to achieve a goal in modern life.
In the globalizing world and in our country, where the competitive environment is increasing, the family's inability in terms of the continuity of the company's activities such as management and capital in the growing family businesses caused companies to work with professional managers and develop a new financing model.
Businesses prefer financing to invest,
- Bank loan
- Public offering in SME Exchange
- Public offering at the Bist Exchange
- Foreign Investor Partner
- They can be used as Local Investor Partners ...
It is important to apply corporate governance principles in the business for all of the financing options listed above. The effectiveness of Corporate Governance principles bring a series of practices and disciplines to the agenda. Corporate governance is a system in which business institutions are managed and controlled, and it is process management in terms of its nature.
Corporate Governance process
- An Efficient and Independent Board of Directors
- A proactive Audit Committee
- A Remuneration Committee to reconcile executive wages with shareholder value
- An effective internal control structure
- Appropriate ethical codes of conduct
- Clear and enforceable policies and procedures
- Effective Risk Management
- Objective and adequate Internal Audit Function
- Independent and effective external audit
- It consists of systems that will ensure transparency of notifications, effective communication, accountability and measurability.
Erglobal Group provides a system to its customers by providing Consultancy services with its expert staff in the Corporate Management process.
Our Expertise in Corporate Management Consultancy Services
- Board Consultancy
- Preparing Family and Company Constitution
- Product Portfolio Analysis
- Product Efficiency Services
- R&D Center Consultancy
- Turquality - Brand Consultancy
- Procurement and Supply Chain Management Configuration
- Human Resources Consultancy
- Institutionalization Consultancy
- Strategic Business Plan Preparation Consultancy
- Reporting Services
- Establishing a Company Management Reflex
- Preparation of projects for the support and incentives provided by various institutions such as the Ministry of Economy, TÜBİTAK, KOSGEB, Development Agencies, EU funds.